It’s a well known fact that majority of people have a fear of public speaking. This fear includes giving presentations for their network marketing business.

When we say presentations for network marketing it can mean several things.

  • Meeting with a prospect at a coffee shop.
  • Presenting at a home party.
  • Speaking at a hotel event.
  • Guest speaking to thousands at a convention center.
  • Explaining what it is you do to a prospect (yours or a team member’s).

These are all examples of presenting. And along your journey, don’t feel like you have to do this all alone.

If presenting at first feels a bit intimidating, partner up with someone until you feel comfortable doing it yourself.

Better yet, have someone else do it for you until you feel ready going on your own.

For most starting out, your upline sponsor will be the one doing the first several presentations for you.

Then you will be asked to present a portion of the presentation until eventually you are doing the whole thing yourself.

It just takes time and like anything else, the more you do it, the better you’ll get.

Looking for People Who Are Looking.

One of our mentors once said to us, “Jenn and Mike, you can never say the wrong thing to the right person”.

Take note of this. It’s an important concept to grasp and will save you a lot of heartache in the future.

You see, back in the day I used to get so hung up on making sure my presentations were perfect. I had to know the details of every ingredient in every product, all memorized mind you.

I had to know every single detail of the compensation plan and company we were with. In hindsight, this anxiety and perfectionism was rooted in ego. It was about being impressive. It was about me.

If you can wrap your head around this, you will be way ahead of the game.

Here’s one of the secrets to a killer presentation. It’s not about you. It’s all about the people listening to you.

[bctt tweet=”You can never say the wrong thing to the right person.” username=”netwrkingartist”]

Engaging Speakers.

Have you ever heard a person speak, where you were hanging onto every word that person was saying? A half hour presentation felt like only a few minutes had gone by. How did time stand still?

Most likely the person talking had brought you into their story. They illustrated the experience in such detail that you felt as if you were right there. The scenes of the story were playing out in your head. Captivating you.

Most likely you were saying “that’s me!” because the presenter related to you in such a way that you felt like she was reading your mind.

To be clear, this is not intended to manipulate another human being. It’s a skill on how to communicate and truly connect with another person or an audience. A powerful way to develop this skill is to first identify who this person or audience is.

And when you learn and apply this skill, you will see massive success in your business as well as your everyday life!

Dull Presenters.

Let’s take an opposite look. Have you ever listened to a speaker where your mind wandered? Always checking the time? Thinking about anything else other than the presentation?

The information was dry, plain bland facts with no color. You just couldn’t connect with the speaker. Words were just flying over your head. You felt nothing.

So here’s the good news. When presenting, if you can master connecting with your audience, the world is yours. Even if you suck at it, the world can still be yours provided you are talking to the right person. Remember the saying, “You can never say the wrong thing to the right person”.

This was exactly what happened to me. I met my first mentor through a friend of my husband’s. We wound up at a café eating a meal.

To tell you the truth I didn’t even want to meet with her because I knew it was a network marketing presentation. I had tried network marketing before and it did not work out for me. (Sound familiar?)

Her name was Carmen and she happened to be a nurse, just like me.

She presented a functional beverage and talked about the ingredients, her experience with the product and the people who ran the company.

Carmen presented the potential of the money I could make and gave me a bottle to try. And that was it.

No pressure. No begging. Nothing I heard was so earth shattering that I had to get involved.

Her presentation was not dynamic at all. It was something she said that caught my attention. She was a multiple six-figure earner at another company and she was a nurse, like me.

She described all the trips and time freedom she had experienced with the other company.

So what did this do?

It built belief in me that it was actually possible to be successful in network marketing. If she could do it, I could do it.

The presentation wasn’t stellar but it was relatable. The rest is history. I joined and she began showing me the ropes.

How did I turn from extreme skeptic to contacting her a few days later ready to join?

It was because Carmen was able to relate to me. And because I was the right person, ambitious and wanting to change my life.

Remember – You can never say the wrong thing to the right person.

Tip #1: Do Not Be Perfect, Be Relatable. Help People See Differently.

It’s better to mess up and be sloppy. Why? It’s relatable.

If your presentation is so polished and flawless, your prospect might think, “wow, I don’t think I can do that”.

But if they see that you’re reading from a script, making mistakes here and there, they’ll be thinking, “now that I can do”!

This does not mean you can only meet with people who are only like you with the same occupation, age group or gender.

The key point of relating to your prospect is to understand where they are coming from.

Let’s just say Carmen happened to be an accountant instead and she’s talking to me, a nurse.

What she would do to relate is share how she knew of nurses who became successful in network marketing. You get the point?

Or let’s say Carmen is a nurse and I happen to be a stressed out restaurant owner working 80 hours per week.

Carmen would compare the benefits of network marketing and how it’s a better option to the restaurant business.

When it comes to prospects who are employees, the way I help them “see” in our presentations, is to show them how passive income compares to active earned income from their job.

For example, I could show them the potential of the kind of income a distributor can make on a monthly basis.

I’d explain it would be based on their efforts, and how many customers and distributors are buying product on a regular basis.

The checks they’d receive, over time, will continue to come, whether they actively worked the business or not.

Let’s use $250 as an example. I would ask how many hours of work does it take for you to earn $250?

Some will say 8 hours ($31.25 hr) others maybe 25 hours ($10 hr) and so on.

Can you imagine what it would mean for someone to regain 8 to 25 hours of their life back? Free to do what they want to do or use that income towards fulfilling a financial goal?

Translating this passive income into hours and having your prospect “see” this, is powerful!

Tip #2: Use Third Party Materials to Present.

Although I did not know it at the time, sitting across the table with a laptop between Carmen and myself sent a powerful message to me.

The presentation was in Power Point form. I thought to myself, “If she can push a button and read what’s on the screen and present in that way. So can I!”

As a side note we do recommend also having your third party material be in print form. This is simply because not everyone is computer savvy. Everyone can carry a piece of paper or a catalogue with them.

Tip #3: Make Sure You Hit These Points.

All a person wants to know when listening to your presentation is:

  1. Does the product work?
  2. Can I do this?
  3. Can I make money?

So when you present, make sure to share the results and benefits others have had with the product or service. This includes your own testimonials. Don’t just say “It works!”

Keep the presentation to no more than half an hour long. This will show your prospect how simple and easy it is to present.

Sales testimonials are a way to show your prospect that they can make money. To be fair, it is best to let your prospect know what you did to make that money.

For example, you can share that you called someone, met with them, then followed up and made the sale.

This gives your prospect a realistic understanding of the true effort that’s involved.

Don’t say things like, “you can be a millionaire in 3 months!”, or “it’s so easy you don’t even have to work hard”.

It’s better that your team member has a clear understanding of the time and effort involved upfront, than for them to have false expectations of getting rich quick, working it only 1 hour a week.

They will just end up quitting when the results don’t match these false expectations.

So you might be asking, “But Jenn what if I haven’t made money yet?” No worries, share a testimonial of someone else on how they made money. Just say you’re new.

Tip #4: Customize your Presentation to the Person’s Personality.

This next tip will give you the edge and set you apart from other presenters.

If you are presenting for someone else, it would be wise to know who you are meeting with ahead of time.

Get to know their situation in life. What is it that they are looking for to change? What is their background and what is their personality type?

Understanding the four personality types is another topic for discussion. There are many books that describe the four main types in different ways. Some use gem stones, colors or even animals.

If you’d like to learn more, we suggest reading the following books for an in depth understanding.

I’ll briefly go over each type’s basic traits using colors from Tom “Big Al” Schreiter’s book. Keep in mind, personality types is not a black and white scenario where someone is only one type.

People will normally have one strong trait that stands out the most, with bits and pieces from others.


These are the “go getter” types who want you to cut to the chase, so to speak and understand how to make money. They want to know how to make the most of it too.


They are the more empathetic types. Their main motivation for getting into business is to help people. Your presentation should emphasize how your company or product will do that.


They are the analytical types. The Greens will want to know the real nuts and bolts of the business. They’re detail oriented and will be the ones to actually study and scrutinize your compensation plan.


These are the outgoing types that love to have fun and talk to people. Unlike the Greens, compensation plans and numbers bore them to death. Blues are the type that get excited when you talk about company trips and events. So make sure to focus on that in your presentation.

During your presentation you also may want to ask more questions. Get interested in your prospect. This is a perfect time to interview them (believe it or not) to see if he or she is a potential fit for your group.

Tip #5: Understand Your Prospect’s Needs and Desires.

Asking open ended questions is a powerful way to get a person to open up about themselves. You are here to help them achieve what they want to achieve.

The more you help others get what they want, the more this profession will reward you.

It is your “job” to understand what the end result is for the prospect. You have to consult and show them the way to get there.

Everyone is unique. Everyone has their own story to tell. Their life experiences have brought them to this point in front of you. You, who will show them an opportunity with an entrepreneur’s perspective.

They have to make a decision whether to try a product or service, or whether to join a business.

The effectiveness in the way you communicate and relate as a presenter will either attract the person to you, make them run away or feel indifferent.

Which way do you want your presentations to be received?

In Closing.

As the world becomes more and more digitized, making connections is becoming a rare commodity.

Make sure to speak each others’ personality language. Understand each others’ perspectives first.

And as the late Stephen Covey would say, “Seek first to understand before being understood”.

[bctt tweet=”Seek first to understand before being understood – Stephen Covey” username=”netwrkingartist”]

Well, there you have it. 5 tips to make your presenting more effective. Do you have any other tips you’d like to add?

If you found value in this post, we’d appreciate it if you could please comment below and share.

Jennifer Asidao-Querubin
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