
Secrets to Overcoming the Fear of Prospecting in Network Marketing

Does Fear Weigh More than Your Dreams? Heck no, right?! Funny thing is, we all start off similarly in our network marketing journey. We get excited, we love the product/service, the thought of becoming debt free, living a financially free life, having a fabulous lifestyle, meeting new people, personally growing, and supplementing our current income. It all [...]

3 Ways to Ask for Referrals

1. Ask referrals from your existing client base Capitalize on your existing customer base and ask them for referrals. Make sure that the first person that you ask is one of your best clients. Satisfied clients are already raving fans and they’re boiling over with people that they believe can already benefit from your service. However, don’t wait for [...]

Networking at Chamber Events

Joining your local Chamber of Commerce can be invaluable for your network marketing business. The key is to not just JOIN – but to be INVOLVED. Attend the monthly networking luncheons, and have your “30 second commercial” ready to roll off your tongue during introductions. This means when they go around the table to do introductions, you know EXACTLY what you are [...]

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